Thread: Kid Party
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Dave Smith wrote:
> cathyxyz wrote:
>>Don't think the kids that age would be interested in the tuna salad or
>>deviled eggs - I am sure the adults would eat them though! The other
>>stuff sounds fine. Kids generally love hot dogs so that might be a good
>>idea too.

> I don't know about that. When I was a kid I loved tuna salad and devilled eggs. I
> also liked egg salad, salmon salad, ham and pickle salad, cheese and pickle
> sandwiches. I think you are right on the money with hot dogs.

Okay, as I said to Lynne, I stand corrected on the tuna salad/deviled
eggs thing My kids don't like them, so I am sorry if I was
>>The food sounds good. But as for the alcohol... if it's a kids' party at
>>noon, I don't think the parents would expect it anyway, so you could
>>probably give it a miss. And considering it's a swimming party, I think
>>the adults would understand, not to mention the fact that they will
>>probably have to drive their kids home afterwards.

> Kids parties, swimming and alcohol are a bad mix. If she starts feeding them wine
> or beer they are likely to start socializing with each other and neglect the kids.

I agree. I was just trying to be polite to the OP. (This is RFC so I
don't know what came over me - sheesh!).... I have nothing against a few
drinks... but when I drink, it's generally at home, therefore I don't
have to drive anywhere. And if I have a few drinks elsewhere, I don't
drive. I get someone to drive me, or I stay over.
