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joto wrote:
> Hi, I haven't made fish before and I'd like to try.
> I bought some frozen sole fillets, for how long and at what
> temperature should I bake them/what should I bake them with? How do
> you tell they're done?
> What about other types of fillets or if the fish is fresh?
> I know this is a stupid question, but i'd appreciate any help.
> Thanks.

There is no such thing as a stupid question; if you don't know, the only way
to learn is to ask

Thaw the fish fillets in the refrigerator. You didn't say the weight of the
package or the thickness of the fish so I'll make some assumptions (and if
I'm wrong you should tell me). I'm guessing it's about 1 lb. of fish and
probably the fillets are 1/2 inch thick. Yes? No?

Okay, you want to *lightly* oil a baking dish large enough to fit the
fillets in without crowding. The next step depends on what kind of
seasoning you like. Start with basic salt & pepper, just a little. I won't
suggest anything else until you tell me whether you like spicy, mild,
whatever. Pour a little water or milk around the fillets (keeps them moist
when baking).

Assuming the fillets are about 1/2 inch thick, preheat the oven to 350F.
Put the baking dish in the oven and bake about 10-12 minutes. The fillets
are done when they are opaque (no longer pink) and flake easily when tested
with a fork. Wasn't that easy? <G>

Depending upon where you are, you might want to try catfish fillets (they
are also a very mild, white fish), cod or flounder.

Personally, I like to do mild fish as I described but I also like to season
breadcrumbs with butter, season with a little cayenne pepper (I like a
little spice) dried parsley and moisten the crumbs with melted butter and
spread them on the top of the fish prior to baking. Makes for a nice crispy
coating on the top. Sometimes I even grate a little fresh parmesan cheese
into the breadcrumb mixture, although a lot of people will tell you cheese
and fish don't mix. I'm not of that mind-set
