Thread: Kid Party
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"Tara & Guy" > wrote in message
> Hi
> I haven't been around in forever, hi all!
> Planning a kids party, age 3 to 6.
> Do cold sandwiches (meat & ch, PB&J) cut into cute shapes, tuna salad,
> deviled eggs, chips and dip, cupcakes and brownies sound OK, or do I
> need to
> grill up some hot dogs or burgers too? (Juice, soda and milk)

I would skip the grilled stuff. If there'll be swimming, you'd probably
be better off tending to the pool than the grill -- it would be great if
you could assume the parents will be watching their kids in the water,
but if it was my house, I wouldn't make that assumption.

tuna salad & devilled eggs -- I wouldn't go to that trouble.
Although some kids like them, not all do, and when we have parties, I
notice that most kids are just too excited to eat much. So stick to the
common denominators. Individually wrapped string cheese sticks are
popular and easy.

dessert...I wouldn't bother w/ ice cream. Cupcakes will be fine.
If it's really hot out, popsicles or freeze-pops might be a hit and
would be easier than ice cream.

> Of course I need to feed the kids' parents also, so I was going to do
> a
> fresh fruit salad, nice breads, coldcuts and maybe a seafood salad.

Sounds great!! At the kid parties I've been to, the kids usually eat
some fruit, too.

> At a
> noon party for 3-6 year-olds, with swimming, can I skip alcohol? Or
> do
> just wine?

Yeah, skip it. Get a few coolers -- fill one w/ sodas, one w/ bottled
water, and one w/ juice boxes (small ones, as kids will drink a little
bit, wander off, and lose track of their drinks...come to think of it,
so will the adults!!)
> I have no idea how many people. I'm off for the summer, my son misses
> his
> friends from daycare, so we're having a party.

Sounds fun! Don't forget a package of Wet Ones to keep outside!