Tara & Guy wrote:
>> Hi
>> I haven't been around in forever, hi all!
>> Planning a kids party, age 3 to 6.
>> Do cold sandwiches (meat & ch, PB&J) cut into cute shapes, tuna
>> salad, deviled eggs, chips and dip, cupcakes and brownies sound OK,
>> or do I need to grill up some hot dogs or burgers too? (Juice, soda
>> and milk)
I'd not use peanut butter unless I was sure there were no nut allergies.
Even if you did your best to keep them separate, there is no guarantee that
some wouldn't come into contact with something the allergic child ate. I
think I would serve juice, perhaps lemonade.. but not soda to that age
group. An idea for the cupcakes.. cook them in the ice cream cones with the
flat bottom. Fill them about 2/3 full. They will expand and have a round
top over the cone. Make 7 minute frosting and swirl the cooled cones in it.
They will look like soft ice cream cones. The kids can grab them and run.
Children love those things. :-)
>> Of course I need to feed the kids' parents also, so I was going to
>> do a fresh fruit salad, nice breads, coldcuts and maybe a seafood
>> salad. At a noon party for 3-6 year-olds, with swimming, can I
>> skip alcohol? Or do just wine?
I'd skip the alcohol. Iced tea would be nice.