"Dee Randall" > wrote in message
> Hello, Peter,
> Two things came together today. 1) Reading Pandora's question about
> biscuits vs. biscotti (I think it was) and the fact that my spouse said
> he'd like to have some good biscuits today.
> So here's how they turned out -- and thanks for the best biscuit recipe
> I've ever had. I hope to do them better justice as the years fly.
> http://freepages.family.rootsweb.com...uitsPAiken.htm
> Dee Dee
Thanks, Dee Dee. The thanks are actually due my wife, Maxine, who perfected
that recipe over many months. Here's an interesting note - the last time she
made them our buttermilk had turned green so she subbed plain yogurt
(Sunnyfield Farms low fat) and they were just as good if not better!
Peter Aitken
Visit my recipe and kitchen myths page at