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Dee Randall
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"Peter Aitken" > wrote in message
> "Dee Randall" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Hello, Peter,
>> Two things came together today. 1) Reading Pandora's question about
>> biscuits vs. biscotti (I think it was) and the fact that my spouse said
>> he'd like to have some good biscuits today.
>> So here's how they turned out -- and thanks for the best biscuit recipe
>> I've ever had. I hope to do them better justice as the years fly.
>> Dee Dee

> Thanks, Dee Dee. The thanks are actually due my wife, Maxine, who
> perfected that recipe over many months. Here's an interesting note - the
> last time she made them our buttermilk had turned green so she subbed
> plain yogurt (Sunnyfield Farms low fat) and they were just as good if not
> better!

That's good to know, because I ALWAYS have yogurt around, but yesterday my
husband brought home buttermilk, so his fancy must've turned to a request
for buttermilk biscuits.

The yogurt I always use is Stonyfield Farms, I wonder if you mean that. For
some reason it is very hard for me to get the name straight. If it isn't, I
recommend this brand to all -- soo good.

Funny, but I mistakenly put some buttermilk today into my cup of coffee and
the buttermilk turned the coffee green. Buttermilk must have a propensity
toward turning green.

Dee Dee