Gregory Morrow wrote:
> Debbie wrote:
>> I'd not use peanut butter unless I was sure there were no nut
>> allergies. Even if you did your best to keep them separate, there is
>> no guarantee that some wouldn't come into contact with something the
>> allergic child ate. I think
> Don't be silly, peanut "allergies" are mostly an urban myth.
> If someone is allergic to something being served, then it's incumbent
> upon *them* to make adjustments (including not attending the event),
> not the host of the event.
Kids of that age 3-6 are not "incumbent" to do anything, Greg. They want
what they want and I'm sure it's incumbent on the parents, not the kids.
Having said that, I don't know if it's media exposure or what, but I sure
never heard about peanut allergies when I was a kid that age. No one
hesitated to serve PB&J to kids. No one had to worry about peanuts (or
"peanut dust") in a lunchbox or on an airplane. So <shrug> I dunno. Of
course, when I was a kid not every friend was on Ritalin and diagnosed with
ADHD, either. Reeses Pieces, anyone?