jmcquown wrote:
>> Gregory Morrow wrote:
>>> Debbie wrote:
>>>> I'd not use peanut butter unless I was sure there were no nut
>>>> allergies. Even if you did your best to keep them separate, there
>>>> is no guarantee that some wouldn't come into contact with
>>>> something the allergic child ate. I think
>>> Don't be silly, peanut "allergies" are mostly an urban myth.
>>> If someone is allergic to something being served, then it's
>>> incumbent upon *them* to make adjustments (including not attending
>>> the event), not the host of the event.
>> Kids of that age 3-6 are not "incumbent" to do anything, Greg. They
>> want what they want and I'm sure it's incumbent on the parents, not
>> the kids. Having said that, I don't know if it's media exposure or
>> what, but I sure never heard about peanut allergies when I was a kid
>> that age. No one hesitated to serve PB&J to kids. No one had to
>> worry about peanuts (or "peanut dust") in a lunchbox or on an
>> airplane. So <shrug> I dunno. Of course, when I was a kid not
>> every friend was on Ritalin and diagnosed with ADHD, either. Reeses
>> Pieces, anyone?
I think the reason we didn't hear about things when we were kids was because
there wasn't the big movement then that all kids should be able to attend
school safely, whether they be developmentally handicapped or have an
allergy. As with other things, these rights will expand to other public
places as well, such as restaurants. It is just a matter of time. There
was just a piece on CNN earlier today about the increase in food allergies
and the potential for anaphylactic shock with nuts. There is a move on for
tougher regulations on listing food ingredients and removing all food
products from schools that contain nuts, traces or nuts or can't be
guaranteed not to have any. People are free to do what they like. I just
put out my opinions. The thing is, for myself anyway, should a kid die from
coming into contact with nuts at my house, I would have a tough time getting
over it.. whether it was the kids parents responsibility (and not mine) or
not. I knew someone who would react just from walnut shells being in the
trash about 3 feet from her.