Thread: summer food
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serene wrote:

> In hot weather, I do as most people do, and I try to make food that
> doesn't require heating the kitchen up too much. Tuesday, it was caesar
> salad and a huge tray of yummy fruit. Yesterday, lovely sandwiches on
> ciabatta rolls -- fresh mozzarella, heirloom tomatoes, roasted peppers,
> thai basil. Yummmmmmm. Along with a perfectly ripe white peach and an
> equally perfect mango, and some good olives. Then for dinner, some
> potato salad I made using the pressure-cooker to boil the potatoes. It
> goes much faster, so it heats the kitchen up almost not at all.
> We can't decide if we're being simple or elegant. We don't much care. We
> ate our sammiches on paper plates, but we felt all extravagant. Not bad.
> serene

Our summer favourites:
tuna/mac salad
potato salad
taco salad
steak, steak, and steak
egg salad sandwiches
green salad - every type, every kind