In article >,
>sarah bennett wrote:
>> Ubiquitous wrote:
>>> She sautes some onions, celery, and green peppers and
>>> calls it a "trioty". I think she meant "trinity" a sauted mixture
>>> of onion, celery, and carrots, but I'm not sure.
>> to be fair, in the cajun sense, I believe that green pepper
>> replaces the carrot for a mirepoix.
>> sl still sucks.
>Absolutely correct.
>Onion, celery and carrot is a mire pois.
>In south Louisiana (which is where I am) we call onion, celery and
>green pepper the trinity.
Ahh, so "trioty" WAS a drunken mispronounciation!
>I missed the show today and, being that I am in cajun country, I am a
>bit disappointed. I will have to watch for repeats.
Food Network's site has a listing of repeats. I suspect it's going
to make another afternoon appearance shortly.
Use of these recipes may be hazardous to your health, food budget,
standing in your community and liver function. Use at your own risk!! We
assume no liability from any illness or injury sustained while eating the
"food" or being exposed to crapass tablescapes. And no, we're not sure
where she grew up either. The Cordon Bleu disavows any knowlege of Miss