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  #32 (permalink)   Report Post  
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In article >, wrote:
>"Ubiquitous" > wrote:

>> SLop begins making her po-boys by mixing...

>I'm surprised you didn't notice (or at least comment about) the wrist length
>sleeves that flared out like bell bottoms a few inches below the elbow. Just
>the perfect thing to be wearing while cooking.

Compared to some of her other outfits, the one in this ep was downright
sensible. There was this one ep in particular (I forgot which one ATM)
in which her sleeves and cuffs dragged through EVERYTHING she made,
including the raw meat in one of her first recipes.

Use of these recipes may be hazardous to your health, food budget,
standing in your community and liver function. Use at your own risk!! We
assume no liability from any illness or injury sustained while eating the
"food" or being exposed to crapass tablescapes. And no, we're not sure
where she grew up either. The Cordon Bleu disavows any knowlege of Miss Lee.