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sarah bennett
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OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> In article > ,
> sarah bennett > wrote:
>>I used to eat all sorts of junk food, pop and fast food, and ate out
>>(think mom and pop diner type places) regularly. Since I have been
>>cooking most of the food i eat, and try to avoid additives and
>>hydrogenated oils, as well as excess sugar and salt, I have noticed that
>> all of the previously mentioned stuff (with the possible exception of
>>coca-cola :>) has developed this inedible quality. I find it amusing
>>that i never noticed how salty, sweet and hydrogenated they taste...

> Join the club. ;-)
> Even donuts are not tempting anymore!
> They taste way too sweet with a bitter overtone. :-P
> Ick!

One of the department managers at work brought in krispy kremes one
morning. i had to dunk it in coffee tomake it palatable. It just isn't
fair. Inever got to eat much junk food when I was a kid, and now it
tastes like crap!


saerah (Who now is about to go rummaging for the cacao nibs)

"It's not a gimmick, it's an incentive."- asterbark, afca

aware of the manifold possibilities of the future

"I think there's a clause in the Shaman's and Jujumen's Local #57 Union
contract that they have to have reciprocity for each other's shop rules."
-König Prüß