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Default Sequence of courses in Italian cuisine?

PENMART01 wrote:
>>Nancy Young wrote:
>>>unique regionalisms. There are local expressions (Pittsburgh says "to
>>>red up" a room meaning "to tidy."

>>Ret up, I think, as in right up.

> Nancy, you're probably correct with "ret", could be local hotel-speak shorthand
> for making the beds, etc., but because "ret" has to do with linen (ret is a
> word - look it up). Only a lazy-tongued, low life, sneaky, dumb dago would
> mispronounce/slur ret as red. hehe

You know, Sheldon-troll, I do not particularly care for Pastorio (whom I
have to reply to in another thread), but you are absolutely the last
person in the world who should be attacking anyone. Sorta like calling
the kettle black.
