"Pandora" > wrote in message
> "LynneA" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> news:1121533688.9c45c571e1efb0bea0e22a7243bddc68@t eranews...
>> "Pandora" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "LynneA" > ha scritto nel messaggio
>>> news:1121526838.2b9ab36c04dbc79e94c39bd5266c7d7b@b ubbanews...
>>>> Aww shucks, Pandora, thanks<GG>
>>>> OB Food-tacos tonight, too hot to do much cooking.
>>> Tacos! Good! Mexican food! Sometimes I've tried! GOOD!
>>> Cheers
>>> Pandora
>> Very good, and doesn't heat up the kitchen much at all, which is a
>> definite bonus on a day like today. They're saying 104 now<grrrr>
> Don't tell me!!!! here 30°. VEEERY HOT for me! i've closed all the
> windows!
> Pandora
I'd take that in a heartbeat! My converter says that is 86F, much better!
104F equals out to 40C, very bad, yes? My windows are closed too, and air
conditioning is blasting, but I don't know if it's up to the task of keeping
us cool when it's that hot outside!
Lynne A