Ideas for freezable family meals?
"Gina *" > wrote in message
>Rona, I saw what you saw. It seems to me Jill was being flippant, using
>the device of an extreme exaggeration. Such as, :"When these kids leave
>today, I'll have myself a nervous breakdown." Or, " 50 million folks
>gathered around to see the teacher fall on her butt." The response
>seemed sanctimonious. In divinity training and in formation I read
>about a million books about Jesus, and the one thing I came away with
>(if nothing else) he was neither sanctimonious nor humorless. Sora like,
>"What would Jesus _not_ do?"
That's what I've always thought, as well. I could expand on my views, but I
won't. It seems we probably have similar opinions, though!
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