The cowardice of Goo (updated)
Goobernicus Gonad--the moron who thinks he's a genius
and enjoys being referred to simply as "Goo"--has proven
himself an incredible coward. He has done that by cowardly
declining to answer questions and perform things which he
has boasted of being able to do. Some of the things he is
afraid to even attempt include:
1. explaining exactly which emotions animals can and
can not experience
2. explaining how anything could have inherent rights
3. providing any opposition at all to "AR"
4. explaining why nothing has ever benefitted from living
5. explaining why we should only consider killing but not life
6. explaining what or whom--other than those who are
disturbed by the fact that humans eat meat--would benefit
from their elimination objective
7. describe any emotion(s) through language
8. explaining any way(s) in which people could contribute to
better lives for food animals.
9. explaining why one emotion is more difficult to experience
than another.
10. explaining how any difference between the ability of humans and
other animals to experience emotions, is a moral issue.
11. explaining the qualitative differences between anger and
disappointment, if there are any.
12. demonstrating an ethically equivalent or superior alternative
to the elimination of domestic animals.
13. explaining what it is that makes animals appear to be experiencing
certain emotions, under conditions which could easily trigger those
particular emotions, if it is not those particular emotions.
14. explaining how any emotions could be dependant on language.
15. explaining the kind of stimulus-response "anticipation" you can get
from a dog
Yes, he most surely is my goober, as we proved again and again
and again.