I cut the zucchini into whatever size I'll use it when cooking. That
could be in coins or grated or cubed. I put it in a collandar. I pour
salt on it and stir it around. Don't measure, but use a lot. Leave it
in the sink for half an hour. Then run water on top of it to rinse all
the salt off while squeezing the excess moisture out. Then add it to
your recipe. I got this information from _Victory Garden Cookbook_ by
Marian Morash and have been pleased with the way it works.
--Lia, who, coincidentally, picked a zucchini from her very own zucchini
plant just this morning
Piedmont wrote:
> How do I remove the moisture from zucchini?
> I have been making zucchini lasagna and it get lots of water developing
> during cooking. I assume that it is from the zucchini.