In article >, "Piedmont" > wrote:
>How do I remove the moisture from zucchini?
>I have been making zucchini lasagna and it get lots of water developing
>during cooking. I assume that it is from the zucchini.
By coincidence there was an implication of this sort of problem in a
recipe published in the local daily tabloid a week ago.
As I recall, the instructions were to slice the zuc (I think they were
using "medallions"), wrap the slices in kitchen paper (the absorbent
sort) then wrap the whole parcel in a tea towel and wring it out (like
wringing the water out of one of those stinking bath towels you had to
use for a full week at boarding school :-). Sounded a bit gross, but
I guess it would work!
If I haven't already wrapped the rubbish in that tabloid, I might find
it and post the recipe here -- it was for some sort of crunchy bean
"rissoles" IIRC. (Which reminds me, someone recently mentioned
Sheldon's MW meatloaf. I must have missed it at he time, and a bit of
googling of Groups didn't turn up anything likely to be it -- so can
someone -- Sheldon? -- please either post it again, or email me a
copy, or tell me where to find it. Thanks mates.)
Cheers, Phred.