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"TammyM" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 16 Jul 2005 10:20:45 -0600, "LynneA" >
> wrote
>>Ha! I was stone cold sober at the time-you just want Pandora to think I
>>in my cups and didn't know whereof I speak. Thinking there may be some
>>in my future today though, it's supposed to top out around 103 today :-((
>>Lynne A

> Where are you, Lynne? It's supposed to be 105 here today, was 106
> yesterday. Not a record, but still bloody hot!
> TammyM
> Sacramento, California

I'm in South Dakota, Tammy-in the Black Hills. The weather here is nuts,
year long! It was at LEAST the predicted 104 yesterday, my thermometer read
quite a bit higher. But today, it's absolutely gorgeous-high of 81 and
soooo much nicer! Not going to last though, so we'll be climbing back up to
the 90's that are typical here in July and August. If I had realized how
bloody hot the summers are here, I might have ended up somewhere else<G>

Lynne A