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In article et>,
"Gregory Morrow"

> Karen AKA Kajikit wrote:
> > That's because it IS crap... I hate processed foods and most fast
> > foods. I'll eat Burger King if forced, but you can forget about the
> > rest of em. I don't even like soda much... ugh.

> What I've noticed lately are teevee ads for places like Pizza Hut and sit -
> down chain food joints, the food looks just SO disgusting. Even salads are
> pictured topped with something fried and greezy, e.g. onion rings or cheeze
> poofs or something...the pizza ads feature a gross take - out "special" that
> has as a bonus some sweet bread - like thing or some such. In any case it
> all looks *totally* artificial, the food stylists must have had a field day
> working on this krap...
> Oh, and beware when ordering that "lobster" special at Red Lobster, there's
> a pretty good chance that it will not be lobster at all but crayfish meat...

EW! There is NO comparison between the sweet, mild flavor of lobster and
the strong, fishy taste of crawfish meat! :-P

If I want lobster, I'll make it myself.
That way I don't have to use "drawn butter".
I HATE clarified butter! It has no flavor compared to whole melted
butter, but that's another rant..... ;-)

It's also cheaper to cook lobster at home.

And then there is fresh dungeness crab....... ;-d

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson