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AlleyGator wrote:

> "Sheldon" > wrote:
>>Why anyone would want to use raw veggies in lasagna is a mystery...
>>makes as much sense as using raw meatballs/sausage... saute the zukes
>>the same as one should any other veggie added to lasagna... even better
>>is to grill them. Folks who've indicated removal of zuke liquid by the
>>eggplant method but then not precooking the zuke before use in lasagna
>>have proven to me that they've never made lasgana or even fried an
>>eggplant, in fact they is an eggplant... I mean like even removing the
>>water from eggplant by salting it's still gotta be cooked before using.

> I don't know if that's always true or just based on the particular
> recipe, Sheldon. I have one for zucchini fritters, where they're

Would you mind posting the recipe? I have zukes coming out of the
garden like crazy. I wouldn't mind trying these. Thanks

> shredded and it calls for the salt technique. I've never tried it any
> other way so I can't say for sure, but it's something to experiment
> with. It ain't like a ruined zuke is gonna break the bank. And I'm
> just talking about the salt part, not the pre-cooking - seems to me
> that's always a good idea. (Of course, I'm the king of kitchen
> disasters, so . . . .)
> --
> The Doc says my brain waves closely match those of a crazed ferret.
> At least now I have an excuse.