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Scented Nectar
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"Rudy Canoza" > wrote in message
> Scented Nectar wrote:
> > "Rudy Canoza" > wrote in message
> >
> >
> >>Scented Nectar wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>"Ron" > wrote in message
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>dh@. wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>Goobernicus Gonad--the moron who thinks he's a genius
> >>>>>and enjoys being referred to simply as "Goo"--has proven
> >>>>>himself an incredible coward. He has done that by cowardly
> >>>>>declining to answer questions and perform things which he
> >>>>>has boasted of being able to do. Some of the things he is
> >>>>>afraid to even attempt include:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>1. explaining exactly which emotions animals can and
> >>>>> can not experience
> >>>>>
> >>>>>2. explaining how anything could have inherent rights
> >>>>>
> >>>>>3. providing any opposition at all to "AR"
> >>>>>
> >>>>>4. explaining why nothing has ever benefitted from living
> >>>>>
> >>>>>5. explaining why we should only consider killing but not life
> >>>>>
> >>>>>6. explaining what or whom--other than those who are
> >>>>> disturbed by the fact that humans eat meat--would benefit
> >>>>> from their elimination objective
> >>>>>
> >>>>>7. describe any emotion(s) through language
> >>>>>
> >>>>>8. explaining any way(s) in which people could contribute to
> >>>>> better lives for food animals.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>9. explaining why one emotion is more difficult to experience
> >>>>> than another.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>10. explaining how any difference between the ability of humans and
> >>>>> other animals to experience emotions, is a moral issue.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>11. explaining the qualitative differences between anger and
> >>>>> disappointment, if there are any.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>12. demonstrating an ethically equivalent or superior alternative
> >>>>> to the elimination of domestic animals.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>13. explaining what it is that makes animals appear to be

> >>>>> certain emotions, under conditions which could easily trigger
> >>>
> >>>those
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>> particular emotions, if it is not those particular emotions.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>14. explaining how any emotions could be dependant on language.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>15. explaining the kind of stimulus-response "anticipation" you can

> >>>>> from a dog
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Yes, he most surely is my goober, as we proved again and again
> >>>>>and again.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>He's your own personal "Goobernicus Goober".
> >>>>
> >>>>LOL!!!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>He's Gooby Goo, a dissappointed
> >>>cartoon dog. )
> >>
> >>You're Skanky the ****, the 42 year old, unmarried,
> >>childless, degreeless, scut-working marginal.

> >
> >
> > Still fishing.

> Nope. I have all the facts.

Still fishing. All you know is that
I'm 42 and female (those people
who are known to you as ****s).
Anyways Gooby, you want
walkies??? Too bad. Hope
you're not too dissappointed.

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