Ideas for freezable family meals?
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Ideas for freezable family meals?
Ranee Mueller > wrote in message >...
> In article >,
(Heidi) wrote:
> > Interesting, instead of posting helpful suggestions as someone in a
> > similar situation, you react to every comment that you perceive as
> > negatively posted concerning multiple children.
> >
> > Since you are about to have a third child, would you be interested in
> > posting what meal help you would most appreciate?
> I actually did that first. Before I read the other comments. Posted
> a fairly long list of things that were freezable, or quick to make and
> deliver. Check out the thread before throwing out accusations.
It was an observation not an accusation. I apologize if it offended
you. The way the mail reader that I used had your initial post
farther than I had read. The responses that I had read from you were
all very reactive and seem to be taking off hand comments rather
negatively and personally even when they aren't directed at you.
Again, this is an observation, not an accusation.
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