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The Wolf
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Default RFC POLL: Is Martha Stewart Guilty?

On 01/29/2004 11:29 AM, in article
, "zxcvbob" >

> Dog3 wrote:
>> Let your opinion be heard. Results posted on Sunday, 2/1/04. Cast your
>> vote he
>> Michael

> Guilty of insider trading, but she wasn't charged with that so it
> doesn't matter. Because she was a director on the NYSE and once a stock
> broker, the bar is a little higher for her than normal people. I'm not
> sure why the govt didn't bring this charge, I guess their case sucked.
> Not guilty of obstruction of justice, but she might be convicted anyway.
> Short prison sentence plus $10000 fine if she's convicted; conviction
> overturned on appeal. Eventually, she walks.
> Best regards,
> Bob

Wall St. Journal reporter was interviewed and said there is one serious
charge of lying to prop up her own company stock.

If convicted on that she does time, Federal sentencing guidelines judge has
no wiggle room.
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I'd rather have a German division ahead of me then a
French division behind me," Gen. George S. Patton
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