The Wolf wrote:
> On 01/29/2004 11:29 AM, in article
> , "zxcvbob" >
> opined:
>>Dog3 wrote:
>>>Let your opinion be heard. Results posted on Sunday, 2/1/04. Cast your
>>>vote he
>>Guilty of insider trading, but she wasn't charged with that so it
>>doesn't matter. Because she was a director on the NYSE and once a stock
>>broker, the bar is a little higher for her than normal people. I'm not
>>sure why the govt didn't bring this charge, I guess their case sucked.
>>Not guilty of obstruction of justice, but she might be convicted anyway.
>>Short prison sentence plus $10000 fine if she's convicted; conviction
>>overturned on appeal. Eventually, she walks.
>>Best regards,
> Wall St. Journal reporter was interviewed and said there is one serious
> charge of lying to prop up her own company stock.
> If convicted on that she does time, Federal sentencing guidelines judge has
> no wiggle room.
She would appeal that one on constitutional grounds. IIRC, the lie that
she told was that she proclaimed her innocence -- part of her right to
due process. It would be like charging people with perjury for pleading
"not guilty" in a trial if they were eventually convicted.
So I'll ammend my prediction a little: *long* prison sentence if she's
convicted, overturned on appeal.