looking for corn bread recipes
In article >, "Darkginger"
> wrote:
> Being a Brit, I've never seen cornbread before, let alone made any.
> Now I have this chunk of it, what should I eat it with? What is it
> normally eaten with? It was very much a spur of the moment decision
> to make it - I'd just made bread, a cherry cake, a smoked salmon
> quiche, 2 x 2lb jars of chilli/basil dipping sauce, and some
> watercress soup, but was still feeling like cooking some more!
We tend to eat it with things like bean soups or chili. I often make
split pea soup and corn bread. We also eat it as a snack with honey
butter (which is just honey beaten into soft butter). I think you could
eat it with the soup pretty easily, but it is up to your taste.
> There's a (free range, organically reared, seaweed nourished) chicken
> roasting in the oven at the moment too, so if cornbread goes with any
> of that lot, please do let me know!
Yes it does! Also, if you have stale cornbread, you can make a
stuffing for that chicken (or turkey) with prosciutto, toasted pecans,
onion & celery sauteed in butter with some sage and salt & pepper.
> And thanks Ranee for the recipe!
You are very welcome.
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