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Cindy Fuller
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Default Are You Taking NEUROPLEX ??? (Better stock up!)

In article >,
Mark Thorson > wrote:

> Quoting from:
> "Abstract: Neuroplex Contains Bovine Brain Tissues,
> Vitamins, Minerals, And Co-Enzymes To Maintain
> Healthy Function Of The Nervous And Endocrine
> Systems The use of glandular therapy, in which
> specific animal organ and gland tissues are ingested
> for the concentrated nutrients present in them,
> has had a long history of use across a variety of
> cultures. The basic premise in glandular therapy is
> "like heals like. Bovine brain tissues like the pineal,
> hypothalamus, and pituitary, are combined with
> bovine liver and spleen in Neuroplex, to provide
> concentrated nutrients that are especially supportive to
> their parallel tissues in the human body. Vitamins and
> minerals contained in Neuroplex enable enzymes and
> hormones to function properly, contributing to the
> healthy maintenance of the nervous, endocrine, and immune
> systems, as well as other control functions for the body."
> Quoting from:
> The first interim final rule will ban the following materials
> from FDA-regulated human food, (including dietary
> supplements) and cosmetics:
> Any material from “downer” cattle. (“Downer” cattle
> are animals that cannot walk.)
> Any material from “dead” cattle. (“Dead” cattle are
> cattle that die on the farm (i.e. before reaching the
> slaughter plant);
> Specified Risk Materials (SRMs) that are known
> to harbor the highest concentrations of the infectious
> agent for BSE, such as the brain, skull, eyes, and
> spinal cord of cattle 30 months or older, and a
> portion of the small intestine and tonsils from all
> cattle, regardless of their age or health; and
> The product known as mechanically separated beef,
> a product which may contain SRMs. Meat obtained
> by Advanced Meat Recovery (an automated system
> for cutting meat from bones), may be used since
> USDA regulations do not allow the presence of
> SRMs in this product.

I had a job interview for a writing job with a supplement company that
produces glandular supplements a while back. It's probably a safe guess
that the bottom has fallen out of that part of their business, since it
is a Washington state company and probably got some of their products
from high risk bovines.

Cindy, thankful she didn't get that job

C.J. Fuller

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