RFC POLL: Is Martha Stewart Guilty?
>I'm thinking, how many of us here, upon getting a call from someone
>who knew that the principals were dumping the stock, would say, no
>I am not going to sell, that wouldn't be right, I'll just lose the
>money. I get out in a heartbeat. And I have a big honest streak.
>Now, I know this is wrong thinking, but they threw the big gun at
>Martha, their top lawyer. Excuse my french, but I firmly believe
>that person should be going after those f**** at Enron who
>deliberately stole all those retirement savings from their employees.
>That is a trial I can get behind, seems they are having more fun
>making Martha miserable over some kind of 'making an example' type
>of thing.
>Just my opinion.
Nancy .. I agree 100%! and then some. In the big pic of things ... what MS did
or didn't do was trivial.
It's like to cops busting a 16 year old for smoking a cigarette and letting the
crack dealers run free.
What did my hands do before they held you?
Sylvia Plath (1932 - 1963)