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The Wolf
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Default RFC POLL: Is Martha Stewart Guilty?

On 01/30/2004 7:29 AM, in article ,
"Vox Humana" > opined:

> "The Wolf" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 01/29/2004 11:48 PM, in article
>> , "Melissa Houle"
>> > opined:
>> I am sick and ****ing tired of all you "they're picking on her because

> she's

> I feel the same way about Rush Limbaugh. He is under the thumb of the
> prosecutor in Palm Beach County because he purchased drugs in a Denny's
> parking lot with boxes full of cash. He illegally structured bank
> withdrawals to hide the transactions. Then he obtained duplicate
> prescriptions from multiple sources simultaneously to feed his addiction.
> There are pharmacy and bank records to support this. In addition, his
> housekeeper supplied voice recordings and emails to support the claim that
> he had her illegally obtain narcotics for him. Now, after bashing the ACLU
> and liberal trial attorneys, he hired a liberal trial attorney to defend him
> and has not refused the help of the ACLU on his behalf. Any common person
> would have been in jail by now, but Rush asserts that he is being unfairly
> treated because he is a celebrity. His attorney asserts that there is no
> utility in charging him with a crime, however Rush says that more white
> people (his term) should be prosecuted and "sent up" for taking illegal
> drugs. They claim that there are no victims, but someone had to knock over
> a drug store, steal a delivery truck, or break into a warehouse to divert
> the "prescription drugs" for sale on the street. The housekeeper was
> pressured to do illegal acts. Limbaugh claims to be the highest rated talk
> show on radio and is definitely Clear Channel's cash cow. His illegal acts
> jeopardize that company's bottom line the same way that Martha's alleged
> illegal acts impact her company. The only difference here is that I would
> enjoy seeing the Bush puppets, Clear Channel and Rush Limbaugh, suffer and
> you would like to see liberal Democrat, Martha Stewart, suffer.

State and Feds is Apples & Oranges.

If Rush did indeed break Florida law you will see him in court.
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³If we die, we want people to accept it. We're in a risky business, and we
hope that if anything happens to us it will not delay the program. The
conquest of space is worth the risk of life,² Gus Grissom.
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