Thread: Waffle Irons...
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Mickey Zalusky
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Terry Pulliam Burd wrote:
> ...or waffle makers, whichever your label of choice. Does anyone have
> a recommendation for one that is a) relatively fast (under 10 mins.,
> for cryin' out loud), b) easy to clean up and c) cooks waffles
> uniformly (no pale patches, while other patches look to be getting
> overdone). I have a Salton that I am not happy with one little bit.
> Can take up to 15 mins. to produce an unevenly cooked waffle.
> I've looked through and mosts of the reviews seem to be
> from people who think a waffle iron is just a step up from Eggos. Any
> real foodies have a recommendation? TIA.
> My favorite waffles:
> @@@@@ Now You're Cooking! Export Format
> Butter-Rich Waffles
> breakfast
> 2 eggs; separated
> 1 1/2 cups milk; not non-fat
> 2 teaspoons baking powder
> 1 cup flour
> 1/2 cup unsalted butter; melted and cooled
> Heat a waffle iron.
> In a bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff, but not dry. Reserve.
> In another bowl,combine the egg yolks, mik, baking powder, flour and
> melted butter and beat until smooth. Fold in the reserved egg whites.
> Bake until crisp according to the directions on your waffle iron.
> Serve hot with your favorite toppings.
> Variations: For a less rich version, reduce the amount of butter to
> 1/4 cup.
> Substitute buttermilk, sour cream (not nonfat) or yogurt (not nonfat)
> for the milk. Reduce baking powder to 1/2 teaspoon and add 2/3
> teaspoon baking soda.
> Contributor: James McNair's _Breakfast_
> Yield: 6 Servings
> Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd
> AAC(F)BV66.0748.CA
> "If the soup had been as hot as the claret, if the claret had been as
> old as the bird, and if the bird's breasts had been as full as the
> waitress's, it would have been a very good dinner."
> -- Duncan Hines
> To reply, replace "spaminator" with "cox"

For the past 3 months we've been enjoying our new Waring Pro WMK 300
Belgian Waffle Maker. After ladling the batter, closing the lid and
inverting the iron, it beeps when the waffles are ready. Cooking time
takes approximately 3 minutes per waffle. At last, a waffle breakfast
that doesn't take all morning! I've tried both buttermilk recipes as
well as yeast recipes and have been extremely pleased with the results.

It takes up a good amount of storage space and definitely costs more
than other waffle makers but it makes terrific waffles, and very fast.

I purchased mine at Bed, Bath & Beyond using one of they 20% off
coupons. I've also seen a similar unit at Costco for about $30 less.
The one noticeable difference is that the Costco unit has a blue "on"
light. Mine has a green one. Not sure what the other differences in
function, quality might be.

My research included reviews of various waffle makers on Amazon.

Hope this helps.