"TammyM" > wrote in message
> "Shaun aRe" > wrote in message
> eenews.net...
> > Walkers pickled onion flavour crisps (spud chips to some of you!). I
> > eating these and other makes for years, but these, well, they just got
> > best onion vinegar zing there is. Think I'll give up cooking and just
> > these forever.
> Not sure if they're made by Walker's, but I fancied the Roasted Chicken
> Thyme crisps. Yes, really. Fantastic!
> TammyM
IIRC Walkers make a flavour like that in their Sensations line. They also
make minted lamb ones (with *real* lamb powder in them, heheheh...) that are
really quite nice.
Shaun aRe