some math
To see how much effect being vegan rather than vegetarian makes, how
about some maths...
A dairy cow produces about 6,000 litres of milk a year, and live for (I
think) about 5 years. Suppose they have 8 male calves a year (that's a
total guess), then (ignoring female offspring) we've got a total of 41
slaughtered cows for every 30,000 litres of milk produced. So that's one
death for every 731 litres of milk produced.
Now, suppose you drink 2 litres of milk a week which is about 100 litres
a year.
So, with those figures, you would account for one cow's death every 7
years 4 months by being vegetarian rather than vegan. I'm fairly sure my
maths and logic there is correct. But hopefully someone can come up with
more accurate figures, but I'm sure it will show that it really does
make an immediate difference.
And, as someone mentioned, there's also the ripple effect. Not sure
about the maths on this one (as I don't know the rate of increase of
veganism) but it's a bit like pyramid selling isn't it (for want of a
better analogy!) - each vegan today could account for 10 vegans in 50
years time (or 100 vegans in 100 years time...), so there is that aspect
to it as well.
Stay vegan!