Statistics, statisics and ...
On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 19:35:55 -0500, "THEMOM1"
> wrote:
>I wouldn't expect to. My scale showes decimal point.
Do the math yourself, then come back with your calculation.
Assuming you know how to properly interpret that formula in the
first place (I suspect you don't).
When I said "I don't even get a whole number" that means less than
the number 1. Make sense now?
BTW: There's nothing more irritating than a top-poster who's
signature is delimited by "--"'s, not to mention a .sig that's 16
lines longer than the actual content of the post.
Good newsreaders won't quote signatures delimited with "--", which
means I can't quote my own post and fix it for normal people to
read properly.
Maybe you should considering fixing this, or not and continue to
be ignorant.