Thread: some math
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usual suspect
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Beach Runner wrote:
> To see how much effect being vegan rather than vegetarian makes, how
> about some maths...

That's it, Bobby. Just make it up as you go along.

> A dairy cow produces about 6,000 litres of milk a year, and live for (I
> think) about 5 years.

You dope. They live and produce a bit longer than that.

> Suppose they have 8 male calves a year (that's a
> total guess),

No kidding. It's a ****ing wild guess. Try one calf per year.

> then (ignoring female offspring)

Why not hypothetically kill them, too, dumb ass?

> we've got a total of 41
> slaughtered cows for every 30,000 litres of milk produced.

Not quite. The chance of each birth being male is 50% and each dairy cow
will produce for up to ~10 years (let's round it there to make it easy
for you, dope). So, assuming an average of 6 kl of milk and one live
birth per year, that's five bulls that make it to slaughter over ten
years and 60,000 liters of milk -- a rate of one slaughter per 12,000
liters of milk. You're only off by a factor of sixteen. Not what I'd
expect from someone with a Master's from Columbia (hawhaw!), but about
what I'd expect from you.

> So that's one death for every 731 litres of milk produced.

No, one per 12,000 liters.

> Now, suppose you drink 2 litres of milk a week which is about 100 litres
> a year.
> So, with those figures, you would account for one cow's death every 7
> years 4 months by being vegetarian rather than vegan.

Even if your math were correct, and it *isn't*, is it worth depriving
oneself of nutrients and enjoyment that comes from consuming dairy
products when the alternatives -- rice milk, soy milk, etc. -- lead to
far more than one animal death every ~7.3 years?

> I'm fairly sure my
> maths and logic there is correct.

Your math and logic are wrong. At the rate of 100 liters per year, it
would take someone 120 years to consume the 12,000 liters to average out
to one bull's death. *Twelve decades*, numbnuts. In that century and a
fifth, you would recommend soy milk and/or rice milk -- made from crops
which are lethal to other animals like mice, rats, rabbits, raccoons,
possum, snakes, frogs, birds, deer, etc. -- just to save ONE ****ing
bull. You clearly don't care about animals because you'd rather see a
pile of rotting corpses for soy milk than to see people eat the flesh of
just that one bull. And that's why you object -- you don't give a shit
if animals actually die, you just don't want people to EAT meat.

> But hopefully someone can come up with
> more accurate figures, but I'm sure it will show that it really does
> make an immediate difference.

The difference made by my taking the time to do this is that everyone --
vegan or not -- can judge for himself or herself what a flake you are.

<snip of absolutely mindless rah-rah cheerleading>