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Rodney Myrvaagnes
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Default Cooking with hot sauces

On Fri, 30 Jan 2004 13:48:19 -0500, "Alan" > wrote:

>I love cooking with hot peppers (cayennes and habaneros) and have been
>wondering about the hot sauces.
>I tried hot wings with a "kamikaze sauce" at one restaurant and after about
>five, I could feel my stomach muscles violently churning and could eat no
>more - I felt like I wanted to throw up. It wasn't the cayenne peppers in it
>that bothered me, I've eaten much hotter (wings breaded and sprinkled very
>generously with cayenne or habanero then baked), it was just the sauce had
>so much vinegar in it that it was like drinking gasoline.
>I have noticed that vinegar seems to be a staple in these sauces and what I
>am wondering is, if I mix the hot sauce into my food (say ground beef) or
>marinate the wings or steaks in it BEFORE I cook them rather than putting it
>on after they are cooked, will the heat of cooking remove the vile vinegar
>taste? To me, the food should produce a warming (or fire) in the mouth not
>giving one the feeling one wants to vomit.

At this time of year we don't get locally harvested peppers, and I
often use some hot sauce if I want to warm up something I am cooking.
Some are better than others, but the hotter the sauce, the less
vinegar you will add.

Another possibility is make your own sauce when peppers are in season
near you. Then whatever happens you can't blame anyone else. :-)

Rodney Myrvaagnes J36 Gjo/a

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