----- Original Message -----
From: "Wayne Boatwright" >
Newsgroups: rec.food.cooking
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 9:39 PM
Subject: Ping: MOM PEAGRAM Poppyseed Roll
> This recipe came to me from the grandmother of a Slovak friend. This is
> my
> favorite recipe, although I've tried others, as there are many
> styles/variations. I bake two of these at Christmas and two at Easter.
> Slovak Poppyseed Rolls
Hi Wayne; I don't know if you noticed the Mohn Kuchen i posted, but the
filling in that:
~~ -FILLING- ~~
1 md Egg
1/3 c Wheatlets ; Cream of Wheat
2 1/2 Cup Water
1 c Poppyseeds ; ground
1 c Sugar
1 t Vanilla
1 tb Butter
Has cereal in it. It makes a slightly softer filling but, it is still as
tasty as straight poppy seeds. I may try this filling in your recipe. And,
skip the raisins since we don't like them in this type of bread.
What do you think?