Why The French Are Thin....
Nabuco wrote:
> Frogleg > wrote in message >. ..
>>On Thu, 29 Jan 2004 17:05:50 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>>Frogleg wrote:
>>>>Well, it's sure not because they all listen to opera during dinner
>>>>(see article)! They place even more social acceptance on thinness
>>>>than USAsians. They don't snack all day long. They serve small
>>>>portions. It's not a mystery or some magic formula.
>>>Small portions? I have been to France three times, and most meals were
>>>quite bounteous. We went to the restaurant in our hotel one evening
>>>absolutely famished after having skipped lunch. We ordered the three
>>>course menu and were stuffed after the appetizer. My wife had a shrimp
>>>and avocado salad. We were expecting half an avocado with a scoop of
>>>shrimp salad in it. What arrived at the table was a huge mound of
>>>shrimp salad garnished (probably 1 1/2 cups if it) with a whole
>>>avocado nicely sliced and arranged around it and topped with a dozen
>>>large shrimp. My Tourte Lorraine was a sort of quiche, about 6 " in
>>>diameter and 1 1/2" deep, the bottom half of it being a meat filling.
> Perhaps...the French are not thin... after all. I've spent a year in
> France in Strasbourg with numerous outings to Paris and various other
> cities.
And now that you are an expert...............
And on more than one occasion I was stunned, like when I
> discovered they love.....french fries. Like in the famous "Moules
> frites".... you guessed it right... Mussels+french fries. Or
> steak+....
Wow, what a startling discovery. To think, someone eats fries besides
you guessed it. Or that French don't drink much alcohol.
Really, compared to whom?
> that they are not thin.
No, not thin, but, as a society, not fat nor obese.
But one thing is for sure surprising to a US
> visitor. The food is expensive!!! And eating out even more so. Even
> chinese restaurants in Paris are expensive. Most French indulge at
> most at fast food restaurants.
Wow, another bon mot. French eat out often, but for the most part at
consuemr friendly bistro's, eating a prix fixe meal, which are very good
bargains. I realize that this may surprise you, but most French do not
eat at Michlein starred restaurants. As a result, it is not expensive to
eat out in France. Considering a three course prix fixe meal, most
always cheaper than in the States.
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener