Thread: White tea
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Space Cowboy
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The assumption the less processing of tea the more nutrients is
retained. I don't see anything in oxidation that chemically would
alter the antioxidants. It could be a fully oxidized black tea might
produce a 'sap' that is left behind in processing but I see no evidence
of that. I think the amount of antioxidents is determined by
environmental conditions and not processing. So a tea from India might
be different in antioxidants than somewhere else. White tea is simply
dried fast. When mentioned as such it is a style from China. Recently
other tea producing areas are producing their versions such as
Darjeeling. If you want more antioxidants drink more tea. A strong
cup of breakfast tea will eliminate any free radicals. Buy yourself a
box of cheap ShouMei(SowMee) leaf from Chinatown and don't be afraid of
clogging your teapot. You'll need that much for any taste. The
Yinzhen bud is more expensive with stronger taste and is too sexy for
pots that aren't glass. BaiMudan is both bud and leaf and all things
being equal save your money and stay with the leaf or bud. You might
think of Yinzhen as first flush, BaiMudan second flush, and SowMee the
left overs.


Bruno Panetta wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to know if is true that white tea has more antioxidants on
> average than green tea.
> Which white teas would you recommend as the healthiest?
> Thanks
> Bruno