Monsur Fromage du Pollet > wrote in
> Recently I took a look at the old cookie sheet/jellyroll pan that was
> religated to the general purpose cooking sheet...It's appearance
> shocked me...Time for a new one...While browsing the jelly pan aisle
> occured to me ...smaller pan means less cooked...less cooked means
> eaten. A true relvalation! So I now have help in limiting food eaten.
> Sure I'd been told use smaller plates...but never mentioned was use
> smaller cookware.
> I'm gonna celebrate! cod cooked in a foil package for supper tonight.
> Of course on the new smaller pan. Sidedish... mixed brocolli and
> cauliflower with onion and mushroom slices.
Monsur Fromage du Pollet,
Sounds great, only why pick Friday night to wage such a battle???