"usual suspect" > wrote in message
> Larry Fruity wrote:
>>>Your shit stinks, too. Get over it.
>> Testimony
> Your shit stinks, Larry. You may think it smells like roses but nobody
> else does.
You seem to have your quotes in error; a good indication of the lack of
logical structure in your mental processes in general; however, it is common
*experience* with vegetarians that their body, breath, fecal, menstrual, and
urine odors decrease markedly with time after eliminating most animal
YOU have NO dietary EXPERIENCE beyond your childhood cultural
programming by ignorant parents who had no interest in their health at all,
so you babble like an idiot and continue to embarrass yourself with the
profundity of your ignorance.
Why don't you ever get tired of making a fool out of yourself in public?
What do you have to gain by acting like a psychopath? I am sure we all
would like to know.
Vegans, eating NO animal protein, have NO inherent odors, especially raw
vegans, except if they are eating too much nuts/seeds.
Excess nuts/seeds contain too much protein and fats to be digested
properly, since our true protein needs are ~1/3% of the entire diet.
www.ecologos.org/pro.htm www.ecologos.org/pp.htm
Excess nuts/seeds, indeed excess protein from ANY source, will result in
undigested proteins putrefying in the colon due to bacterial action to
produce those characteristic amine odors: indole, skatole, cadaverine,
putrescine, in addition to H2S, that famous "rotten egg" odor. This is
simple biochemistry, and you can not negate it! You will ignore it to your
on determent, but you can not negate it with current scientific
You will, no doubt, continue to ignore real science in the service of
your Neanderthal lifestyle, diet, and intellect.