Frog Legs
In article >,
"jmcquown" > wrote:
> Frogleg wrote:
> > On Sat, 31 Jan 2004 03:08:40 -0500, "mary" >
> > wrote:
> >
> >> While I was living in Baltimore during the 50's, my father would
> >> always buy frog legs. Since living there, I have never seen them.
> >> Are they unique to that area? Also would frogs be raised
> >> domestically for that purpose, or are the frogs gathered in the
> >> wild? I remember they did not have much flavor or meat.
> >
> > I should know, shouldn't I? :-) Around here (SE Virginia) WalMart
> > occasionally has them in the fish dept. I noticed that CajunGrocer.com
> > mentioned "imported." They're pretty pricey. Taste like chicken. :-)
> As with many things, older (older than me!) folks will talk about just
> catching bull frogs and pan-frying the legs.
> I had a particularly tasty lunch at Owen Brennan's (in Memphis, not the New
> Orleans one) at which I had a great bowl of turtle soup. When I mentioned
> this to my 79 year old father, he told me his uncle used to catch plain ol'
> snapping turtles at the creek by their Pennsylvania home and use those to
> make wonderful soup.
> Found this recipe on a site that sells turtle meat for quite a lot per/lb.
> http://www.crawfish.cc/
> Turtle Soup
> 1-1/2lbs turtle meat
> 2 qts beef stock
> 2 tsp Tabasco
> 1 large onion, chopped coarsely
> 2 ribs celery, chopped coarsely
> 1/4 can tomato puree
> Put above ingredients into a 4uart stock pot and bring to a boil. Lower heat
> to simmer, and cook for 1 hour. Remove meat and de-bone, cut meat in half
> inch pieces and return to pot.
> Then add:
> 2 bay leaves
> 2 tsp mace
> 1-1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
> 1/3 cup sherry
> Let cook for another hour.
> Then add:
> 2 hard cooked egg whites chopped
> 1/2 cup parsley
> Serve and enjoy!
> Jill
Heve never used Mace...
What does it taste like?
The above sounds like a tasty thing to do with cooked crawfish tails. <G>
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
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