wow, I got no replies
today is the big day
we have BBQ chicken for kids, Sabbretts, devilled eggs with and without,
chips and dips, fresh fruit, Willy Wonka chocolate cake with purple goo,
spicy wings, veggie kabobs with squash, zucchini, red pepper and onion in
balsamic vinegar, S&P and a dash of Tabasco, go-gurts, ice pops, every tupe
of soda. Upsettingly, no one RSVPed from my son's school. Other families
had the same thing happen this summer. I guess people are just busy. (We
live 1 1/2 hours from the shore)
For fun we have the pool, face pants, water balloons, twister and some other
salsain article , Tara & Guy at
wrote on 7/13/05 10:15 AM:
> Hi
> I haven't been around in forever, hi all!
> Planning a kids party, age 3 to 6.
> Do cold sandwiches (meat & ch, PB&J) cut into cute shapes, tuna salad,
> deviled eggs, chips and dip, cupcakes and brownies sound OK, or do I need to
> grill up some hot dogs or burgers too? (Juice, soda and milk)
> Of course I need to feed the kids' parents also, so I was going to do a
> fresh fruit salad, nice breads, coldcuts and maybe a seafood salad. At a
> noon party for 3-6 year-olds, with swimming, can I skip alcohol? Or do
> just wine?
> I have no idea how many people. I'm off for the summer, my son misses his
> friends from daycare, so we're having a party.
> Thanks!
> Tara
> pridy@andthentherest :-)