Von Fourche wrote:
> Ok, I would like to buy a fresh pineapple to make a Pina Colada. A
> tropical drink book I have says I can use the juice and the fiber from
> pineapple crushed in a blender.
> My question: how do I go about preparing a pineapple to crush in a
> blender to use in a drink?
> Do I cut the thing in half and dig out the inside of the pineapple? You
> don't throw the whole pineapple including the outside of it in a blender do
> you? It's the insides I need to use, right?
> How do I get the juice and fiber out and in the blender? Just cut it out
> and toss it in?
> I've never bought a pineapple before so that's the reason for this crazy
> question. I would love to make a Pina Colada using a fresh pineapple.
Unless you live in pineapple growing country you are far better off
using canned juice... pineapples sold in US mainland markets are not
fully ripe and never will be... pineapples once picked do NOT ripen.