On Sat 30 Jul 2005 09:04:58a, MOMPEAGRAM wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sat 30 Jul 2005 05:36:04a, MOMPEAGRAM wrote in rec.food.cooking:
>>> "Monsur Fromage du Pollet" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Wayne Boatwright wrote on 29 Jul 2005 in rec.food.cooking
>>>>> Except for the cornmeal, what is the difference between Canadian
>>>>> bacon and peanmeal bacon? Canadian bacon I can usually take or
>>>>> leave. I would practically kill for peameal bacon.
>>>>> TIA
>>>> Damn...I just threw a lb of peameal bacon out due to freezer burn.
>>>> Any Canadian Bacon (Back Bacon) I've seen has a small piece of fat
>>>> along one edge. Pea meal bacon doesn't. Pea meal bacon comes
>>>> unsliced...All the back bacon I've seen was sliced.
>>> In Canada, Peameal bacon usually is not smoked, just pickled. And
>>> Canadian Bacon is available by the piece to
>>> slice yourself. That's the way I buy it because it's cheaper and
>>> usually better quality.
>>> Myself, I prefer Canadian bacon over peameal. I prefer a smoked
>>> product.
>>> MoM
>> Thank you! Years ago we used to spend a week each summer in
>> Niagara-on- the-Lake, staying at the venerable Oban Inn before it was
>> razed by fire, then after that at the Prince of Wales Hotel. Both
>> hotel restaurants served the best peameal bacon I've ever eaten. We
>> would buy several pounds of peameal bacon at a local market to take
>> back to Ohio.
> Doubt you could do that now. I remember the Oban Inn. Mainly cause
> that's the name of the place my Grandparents came from. Oban, Scotland.
Yes, I suspect they're much more strict at the border these days.
Wayne Boatwright *¿*
Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day.
Sam Goldwyn, 1882-1974
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