Pan paniscus wrote:
> DaveD||| wrote:
> > "The Honourable Judge Wavy G" > wrote in
> > message ...
> > > Okay, so from what I gather, the main problem is sugar,
> >
> > It's F A T. Their food is loaded with the worst kinds of fat that makes
> > people look like pigs and plugs up their arteries.
> >
> Very true. Stuff is fried in patially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
> It'd be much healthier if they used natural lard.
Heating of *any* oil regardless of source makes the oil unhealthy for
> >
> > so as long as
> > > you order iced tea or Diet Coke, you can eat whatever the hell you want
> > > and it's okay. Rock and Roll McDonalds!
Yeh, Diet Coke......made with a methyl esther that converts to
formaldehyde and then formic acid.
> --Bryan