ever tried your own suggested method?
<day dreamer@dream .com@> wrote in message
> On Sat, 30 Jul 2005 12:29:59 -1000, "zuuum" > wrote:
> >It's safer to cut off the rind, standing on end ...before you quarter it.
> >
> Sweet pete people. We are talking about skinning a bloody pineapple
> here, not building a piano. Break off the stalk, cut the thing in half
> peel off the rind, chop it up and throw it in the blender. Problem
> solved. It does not matter if you cut it into a square a circle or
> carve it to look like the Titanic, you are going to grind it up. For
> some of you folks, I'd hate to see the trauma you'd go through if you
> had to boil water.