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Monsur Fromage du Pollet
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serene wrote on 31 Jul 2005 in

> A cow-irker went to Mexico and brought me back a small bottle of
> tequila. I don't drink, and no one in my family likes tequila.
> The only thing I've ever eaten with tequila in it was a
> tequila-lime shrimp at (don't laugh) TGI Friday's that I actually
> liked (which is weird because I don't generally like food cooked
> with alcohol).
> Anyone have a recipe for this, or some other yummy non-beverage
> way for me to use this tequila? I'd like to take some of it to the
> cow-irker as a return gift (if it's good, of course -- if it's a
> failure, I'll just make him some toffee).
> serene

Anywhere you see a Jack Daniels Sauce recipe or Vodka pasta sauce
recipe. (Once again google is your friend). I like to marenade chicken
with it. Or use it with caramelized sugar as a cake or ice cream

It's not a question of where he grips it!
It's a simple question of weight ratios!

A five ounce bird could not carry a one pound coconut.

Are you suggesting coconuts migrate?