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Russell B
Posts: n/a

Well, so far you've heard my voice
But I've brought some friends along
And next on the mike is my man "usual suspect"
Come on, "usual suspect", sing that song!

>Uh check it out:
>>>>>Okay, so from what I gather, the main problem is sugar,
>>>>It's F A T. Their food is loaded with the worst kinds of fat that makes
>>>>people look like pigs and plugs up their arteries.
>>>Very true. Stuff is fried in patially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
>>>It'd be much healthier if they used natural lard.

>> Bull****in'shit!
>> Heating of *any* oil regardless of source makes the oil unhealthy for
>> consumption!

>Says whom?

Says *who*, not *whom*. The pronoun is the subject of the sentence. I'm
going to have to ask you to put out the cigarette and turn around for me,