hob wrote:
> "aem" > wrote in message
> ups.com...
> >
> > hob wrote:
> > > [snip]
> > > Please cite the "authority" that states a pineapple does not ripen once
> > > picked - (and please, not the Dole
> > > marketing-of-canned-pineapple-you-can't-get-any-better-than-canned-BS
> > > department pap put out for foppish haulis)
> > >
> > The lengthy quote below is from www.wholehealthmd.com, a reasonably
> > reliable source about food (though they do not do a good job citing
> > their sources of information): -aem
> Thank you for the cite - I checked it out, and find they, like many websites
> made by eager citizens with an opinion and unchecked by proper scientific
> review, are in error.
> Their theory is in direct conflict with University extension service
> bulletins in my files,
You're a friggin' cartoon, hob... extract your files from your dumb
ass... the hob/bob MORON has yet to supply any citation other than his
big stupid verbose maw... yoose gots to be yet another thick headed WOP
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Ripening a Pineapple at Home
Do you sometimes buy an under-ripe pineapple anticipating that it will
ripen at home? Don't bet on it.
Duane Bartholomew, dean of the University of Hawaii agronomy and soil
science department, says a pineapple is ready to eat when harvested.
The flavor of one that is harvested too early will change only slightly
if left to ripen at home.
Some fruits such as bananas, peaches and pears do ripen when kept at
room temperature for a few days because they contain starch that is
converted to sugar during the ripening process. But not pineapple.
As the pineapple sits on your kitchen counter, its shell will gradually
turn yellow beginning at the base of the fruit. If left standing for a
few days, the fruit will become completely yellow. But there will be no
increase in sugars as would occur if the fruit had been allowed to
ripen in the field.