Royal Oak Lump in NH/MA?
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Thomas Cormen
Posts: n/a
(Kyle Tucker) writes:
> My wife picked me up 2 bags of B&B at the Hearth & Home store in
> Hampton Falls. I am using the first bag and don't like the giant
> sizes of the chunks. I can only get two in a chimney! So I took
> the other one back to see what else they had. Well to my surprise
> they had Wicked Good and at just $14.95 a bag. Yesterday I opened
> one up. This stuff was *very* difficult to light in the chimney
> (it took 8 or 9 pieces of newspaper compared to the normal 2 or 3)
> and was horribly hard to get going and stay going. I found myself
> having to blow on the charcoal in my WSM. I can't believe this is
> normal for Wicked Good. It was a brand new bag, so I wouldn't think
> it was damp. It all "seemed" dry.
Yes, Wicked Good can be hard to light. I found a recommendation
somewhere on the net that you use MAPP gas to light it. I bought a
MAPP gas torch, and I find that if I pile up the Wicked Good, light
the bottom of the pile with the torch, and hit it with air from a
bellows every few minutes, it will burn very nicely. I've had no
problem keep it lit once it gets going.
Tom Cormen Voice: (603) 646-2417
Professor of Computer Science Fax: (603) 646-1672
Chair, Writing Program Email:
Dartmouth College URL:
6211 Sudikoff Laboratory
Hanover, NH 03755-3510
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